Children who cannot go to school are out there.
Children in poor family barely make ends meet. There are lots of children who have a job to earn living expenses for their families.

5,000 schools are still needed in Cambodia.
Total 100,000 children go to schools built by SAJ. However, there are still about 5,000 schools whose roofs partly come off or whose walls have many holes, letting wind outside easily come inside, and many children study in such dark and dangerous school buildings.
To provide educational opportunities and optimal educational environments to as many children as possible in order to enhance their humanity.
SAJ has rapidly expanded its activities fields, from school building to food aid, job assistance, orphan home operation and school operation.
SAJ continues to aim at cultivating children capable of contributing to their societies, making environments where children are focused on studying without any anxiety, and cultivating their excellent talents awakened and developed in such environments.

All the donations are to be spent on pursuing the happiness of the children out there.
We understand that some people who want to give a donation still tend to have a doubt/anxiety, like ‘will this donation really be spent there?’ or ‘would most of the donations be spent on office administrative expenses or so?’
In SAJ, all the expenses including labor costs or travel expenses are budgeted in the first place. So, all the donation granted will be spent on pursuing the happiness of the children there, not on any expenses.